Home | Get the latest beta versions and information for Racer on this site! |
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14-01-11: v0.8.31 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. Important differential bugfix. Close to v0.9RC1.
31-12-10: v0.8.29 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. Important CG bugfixes.
16-12-10: v0.8.27 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. Important CG bugfixes.
19-11-10: v0.8.23 has been released. Get it at the beta download page.
10-11-10: v0.8.22 has been released. Get it at the beta download page.
07-09-10: v0.8.20 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It adds sRGB texture support, where gamma at the output stage is now 1.0 instead of 2.2.
13-08-10: v0.8.17 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It introduces a TOD (time of day) editor, still a bit in its beginning phase.
06-08-10: v0.8.15 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It fixes replay saving amongst others.
05-08-10: Racer celebrates its 10 year existence! A special mod has been released, find it at this page.
30-07-10: v0.8.14 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It fixes ATI support again and blending issues.
23-07-10: v0.8.13 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It tries a new shadowmapping system and fixes some bugs.
09-07-10: v0.8.12 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It might just add relatively proper ATI support (with work-around to comply with ATI deficiencies) and caches Cg parameter passing, making it faster.
02-07-10: v0.8.11 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It combines both HDR and HDR+CSM (shadowmapping) shaders, plus some optimizations and bugfixes in the shaders.
25-06-10: v0.8.10 has been released. Get it at the beta download page. It is an evolution of v0.8.9 towards v0.9.0 (final), which should be a stable version so content can be updated for it (some new requirements are needed to get the best out of v0.9.0, mostly being obligated Cg shaders).
03-06-10: v0.8.9 is being released. Get it at the beta download page. It works towards v0.9.0 (final), which should be a stable version so content can be updated for it (some new requirements are needed to get the best out of v0.9.0, mostly being obligated Cg shaders).
30-03-10: An update of v0.6.5 (the latest non-Cg version for old graphics card) is available; v0.6.5.5. This fixes 3D dials sometimes not being visible. It is available at the non-Cg download page (Windows). Users with advanced cards are much better off with the beta versions (v0.8.8 and higher).
24-12-09: Version 0.8.8 is available at the beta download page (Windows). Mostly a fixed version for Win7 users, where there was a bit of trouble opening dialogs and themes having impact on window sizes. It also adds a documentation page with links.
18-12-09: Version 0.8.7 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It is not really compatible with older version; wing positions have moved from relative to CG to relative to Nullpoint (as it should be), CG positions weren't used correctly entirely, and many more...
24-11-09: A preview of v0.8.7 the beta preview download page (Windows). You'll need it to gain access to the improved lobbyserver (which is still being improved to avoid getting into races where you don't have the cars or track). It also fixes numerous issues in v0.8.6.
06-11-09: Version 0.8.6 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It adds fixed LSD (hopefully now correct), MF5.2 tire support, idle_method=1 bugfix and lots more.
08-09-09: Version 0.8.5 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It has moving suspension capabilities, plus an extra car to demonstrate it (since it's a complex subject). Also adds HDR live environment maps, stencil buffer fixes and more.
18-08-09: Version 0.8.4 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It has spline bugfixes, improved multiplayer timesync. Known problems: movable track objects are being worked on and non-functional for a while.
07-07-09: Version 0.8.3 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It adds ghost cars, it tests the Newton physics engine (instead of ODE) and adds movable track objects.
24-04-09: Version 0.8.2 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It has a bunch of enhancements yet again.
02-04-09: Version 0.8.0 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It adds HDR/bloom/motion blur but will only work on high-end graphics cards.
02-04-09: New temporary forum open: Since RaceSimCentral
is taking a long time to get their forums backup, a new
temporary forum has been opened at RaceDepartment.com. Thanks to Bram Hengeveld
for setting it up!
02-04-09: Brendon Pywell has announced that Bob's Track Builder
(BTB) will soon support Racer as an output format, next to rFactor tracks. This
is great news for track modelers! Check Brendon's post here.
27-03-09: A new release for the latest non-Cg version of
Racer; v0.6.5.4. For people who still had trouble with Cg shaders being loaded,
this may help. See the non-Cg download page.
Note that Racer versions from v0.7.0 onwards have Cg support as a requirement;
this means you have to have a pretty decent graphics card. Intel onboard cards
for example won't do anymore.
12-03-09: Experimenting with an RSS feed (link). Lots of caching going on so it might not look like much yet.
27-01-09: Version 0.7.3 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It fixes a few bugs in v0.7.2 (control setup crashes, sun direction for non-Cg shaders). It's hosted at Filefront, since v0.7.2 became a bit too popular.
22-01-09: Version 0.7.2 is available at the beta download page (Windows). It features an updated Carlswood track with Cg shaders to get atmosphere influences. Needs a bit of tweaking still. Also contains a bunch of new global Cg shaders.
21-01-09: Version 0.7.1 is available on the RSC forum, which fixes the inboard dials. 2 new screenshots on atmospheric tests are in the screenshots selection.
23-12-08: Version 0.7.0 is now also online; it is the Cg version (graphically improved) version of v0.6.5 that was also released today. See the beta downloads page.
23-12-08: Version 0.6.5 is a non-Cg version for Windows, and is now available at the non-Cg download page. It is a newer version than v0.6.4, but skips the latest Cg features. This version is the last version I will release for lower-end graphics cards. Newer versions will use Cg in various features & content, so that this version is really more a version that gives a taste of Racer without requiring high-spec graphics cards. v0.7.0 will hopefully follow today as well, which is the Cg-enhanced version (but further than that, mostly the same as v0.6.5). Merry Christmas!!
25-09-08: Version 0.6.4c for Windows is now available at the beta download page. It fixes a few things in v0.6.4.
22-09-08: Version 0.6.4 is now available at the beta download page. It is revolutionary in that it really supports Cg shaders. Time for bumpmapping, per-pixel lighting etc.
16-09-08: Been testing with Cg lighting, see the blog. Diffuse/specular/ambient lighting per-pixel.
05-09-08: Started a small blog. Who knows if it survives. ;-)
21-08-08: Version 0.6.3 is now available at the beta download page. It adds nice things like bumpstops, non-linear dampers, LSD differentials and more!
12-08-08: Update v0.6.2 is now available at the beta download page. It has blip/cut throttle per car, a tire physics model switch (!) and fixes some bugs.
01-08-08: An update with some fixes (v0.6.1) is available at the beta download page.
17-07-08: A new Windows version (v0.6) is available at the beta download page.
14-07-08: A few screenshots are available while developing
fullscreen shaders (for the oncoming v0.6 release). Although a bit over the
top probably, things look a lot less rendered. See the
screenshots page and the fullscreen
shaders documentation page for the technical backgrounds.
27-03-08: A new Windows version (v0.5.7) is available at the beta download page. Some bugfixes for the clutch for example, and improved multiplayer lobby and multiplayer networking.
20-03-08: A new Windows version (v0.5.5) is available at the beta download page. It fixes some bugs and has a first alpha Multiplayer Lobby that allows you to get together and start multiplayer races (you need to open up/portforward port 25000 for it to work).
08-03-08: An updated Windows version (v0.5.4.4) is available at the beta download page. It fixes some bugs such as clutch slamming while shifting, music during racing, shift sounds and multiplayer chatting.
06-03-08: Yet again some small improvements for the Mac version (now at v0.5.4.3); fullscreen doesn't crash anymore, timing view wasn't available, texture compression off by default (Intel onboard GPU's have trouble with OpenGL). Get it from the beta download page.
03-03-08: Some small improvements were done to the Mac version; mouse movements after moving the window, brakes didn't work. Get it from the beta download page.
29-02-08: A new full Mac beta version is available! Get it from the beta download page. It's a Universal Binary so should work on PPC and Intel Macs.
28-02-08: Are you daring & willing and have a Mac? Then try to get the latest version for the Mac running. This exe is Intel-based and runs on OSX 10.5.2 at least. The Xcode build seems to generate a PPC version as well though, hm... Need help in getting a decent version up (Racer.app and pushing it all into a .dmg file).
17-02-08: I bought a Mac Mini (Intel) last week and prepared on older computer with an Ubuntu 7.10 release. I got the Linux version up & running with the latest source code, so you can enjoy the latest version here. Hopefully (and finally) a new Mac beta will compile in a few weeks.
22-12-07: New beta released! v0.5.3 beta 8. See the beta download page. Merry X-mas!
11-10-07: New beta released! v0.5.3 beta 7. See the beta download page.
26-03-07: Some new screenshots available on the gallery page.
20-03-07: Cruden is looking for 3D artists for Racer projects; check out how & what at the new Jobs page!
19-03-07: New beta release for Linux (!); v0.5.3 beta 5/6. See the beta download page.
09-03-07: New beta released; v0.5.3 beta 5. See the beta download page.
01-03-07: The Log2Mat and Mat2Log Matlab converter zip has been updated to include some DLL's for people that don't have Matlab (errors about libmat.dll).
11-01-07: The once lost Maya exporters from Stecki for the DOF file format have been found in a small spot on a harddisk. Check the How-To Content page.
10-01-07: Added a small tool to modify INI files. Click here for more information.
24-12-06: New beta released; v0.5.3 beta 4. See the beta download page.
06-12-06: New community link in the menu on the left; this page will hold links to Mod sites and communities that organise races.
04-12-06: Two new tools released for integration of Racer and Matlab. See Log2Mat (converting Racer log files into Matlab format) and Mat2Log (doing the reverse; converting Matlab into ASCII).
01-12-06: New tool; DOF fixer (to fix badly generated old DOF files; mostly created with ZModeler). Click here for the DOF Fixer page.
20-10-06: New beta: v0.5.3 beta 3.0 (for Windows only). See the beta download page.
29-05-06: New beta release! v0.5.3 beta 2.1 (for Windows only). See the beta download page.
07-04-06: Added a sitemap for a bird's eye overview of the Racer site.
03-03-06: Explained view indices in views.ini files a bit better.
10-02-06: The Mac beta (v0.5.3 beta 1.5) was down on Filefront. New version uploaded at Rapidshare; following this link.
18-12-05: New beta release, v0.5.3 beta 2.0 (for Windows only). See the beta download page.
09-08-05: New beta release, v0.5.3 beta 1.6 (for Windows). See the beta download page.
05-08-05: FINALLY a new Mac version; v0.5.3 beta 1.5. See the beta download page. Be able to download the latest cars & tracks.
03-08-05: New beta release, v0.5.3 beta 1.4 (for Windows). See the beta download page.
08-07-05: New beta release, v0.5.3 beta 1.2 (for Windows). See the beta download page. Changed controller engine (entirely), replay fixes, TrackEd improved moving around.
19-05-05: Linux data & binary files are back up (v0.5.0). Thanks to RapidShare.de, a nice upload/download site with just a small timeout.
05-04-05: New beta release, v0.5.2 beta 8.9 (for Linux & Windows). See the beta download page.
18-03-05: New beta release, v0.5.2 beta 8.7 (full download). See the beta download page. Fixes some issues, slightly improved AI velocities.
11-03-05: New beta release, v0.5.2 beta 8.5 (full download). See the beta download page. The RSC forums are up again. Also, a bunch of mirrors didn't work anymore; new webspace has been found and most of the downloads (Mac/Win32 v0.5.0) should work again. See the download page.
17-01-05: The RSC forums have been down for some time. For alternatives see the forum page. Note that the RSC is not a part of this site. Racer also continues to be updated.
18-01-04: Some beta binaries (v0.5.2 beta 3) and the source have been taken offline for a couple of weeks. We were pulling 100Gb+ a month which was far over our limit (quite a costly joke). I'll post later beta's through Racesimcentral.com to avoid this in the future. Sorry for any inconvenience.
08-07-03: The v0.5.0 source code has been released. This is for Linux actually, though you can make it work on Mac/Windows as well. This is the last source version I will release for Racer (but the executables will still be free as normal). See the download page.
07-04-03: The full new Mac v0.5.0 final version has now been uploaded. This fixes a bug concerning force feedback. See the Mac download page. Also note that if you have invisible cars, you probably run OSX 10.2.3 and have an nVidia card. In that case, upgrade to 10.2.4, which seems to fix some graphics drivers bugs (I don't have problems with my ATI card though).
01-04-03: The Mac v0.5.0 final version has a bug concerning force feedback (and *may* be a cause of the invisible cars on some systems as well). See the Mac download page. Later this week a full new .dmg version will be made available.
30-03-03: Finally! v0.5.0 final (for Windows, Mac and Linux) has been uploaded. See the download page. Enhanced multiplayer prediction compared to v0.5.0 beta 13.
For other older news messages check the archives.
05-08-00: Start of the project.
(last updated December 30, 2014 )