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Importing Sports Cars GT tracks


Home Zandvoort made by Vanderstok (originally for SCGT).

Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists


Importing SCGT tracks has a lot in common with importing SCGT cars. You might want to skim that first before reading this document. Also note that some tracks are already available more or less (with less work). Check out the Fast Track page.

Before continuing, make sure you get the following:


Here's an example track.ini file.

; Monza - my own version with banking
; Generic information file (for all track file formats)
; 12-12-00: Created!
  ; Type of track; flat=simple track format, vrml=SCGT-like modeled track
  name=Monza with Banking
  creator=Mr. Trackypants
  length=7.3 kilometers

Further steps will include:

I'll have to elaborate on these things more when they get more shape.


To avoid having to reinvent the wheel too much, here are common problems you probably will encounter:


I hope you'll find TrackEd useful and fun.

Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated November 13, 2012 )