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Driving in Racer


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Racer's primary application is to drive around. Just run Racer (racer.exe on Windows for example) and a menu will come up.


From the menu, select 'Setup' and controls. Setup your controller there. For more information on steering wheels, read this page. You can run Racer with the keyboard or mouse, but it's a car simulator and a steering wheel is very much recommended to get a good experience.

Then, select 'Free driving' to start.

Here are some keys you can use:

Key Description
C select camera mode (toggles between track cameras and car views)
1-0 select camera view (follow, side etc.); not functional yet for trackcam mode
Shift-R reset to first grid position
Shift-F soft reset to last valid track position (no time or race reset)
Shift-Ctrl-R Reset to first race session (qualify for example) (v054b2+)
Shift-P reset to first pits position
P pause game
Ctrl-S save game state
Ctrl-L load game state
Ctrl-1 upto Ctrl-9 select info page (under the FPS counter). Ctrl-0 is no info.
Ctrl-0 Turn off debug statistics
Ctrl-F Toggle FPS counter
Ctrl-G Toggle GEAR indicator at the top lefthand corner
` (the reversed quote beneath the tilde); toggles the console
~ Enter console command (v0.5.2b7.2+); type a command and press ENTER. Click here for a complete list.
F2 Replay mode
F3 Toggle best-line painting (v089+)
Shift-F3 Toggle telemetry logging (in data/dump/*.log, see racer.ini's log section)
F4 Toggle simple mirror (v0.5.2b4.5+)
F6 Toggle minimap (v0.5.2b7.2+)
F9 Chat message (v0.5.3b7+) in multiplayer (type your message and press ENTER).
F12 Take screenshot (in data/dump/screenshot*.tga). On Mac OSX this will be a different key.
ESC back to the menu
Alt-F4 quit the program
Ctrl-F6 AI learn mode toggle (v0.5.2) (more on AI)
Ctrl-F7 AI save last lap as racing line for this car.
PageUp (v052b2+) Focus on previous car
PageDown (v052b2+) Focus on next car
F1 Switch through timing modes; none, race results and qualifying
Shift-F12 End race - marks race as finished but let's everyone come in (v052+)
Keypad 4 Rotate left; with Control this moves left.
Keypad 6 Rotate right; with Control this moves the camera right.
Keypad 2 Rotate down; with Control this moves the camera down.
Keypad 8 Rotate up; with Control this moves the camera up.
Keypad 1 Move camera away from the car.
Keypad 3 Move camera closer to the car.
Keypad 5 Reset default camera position.
Keypad 7 Roll camera counterclockwise.
Keypad 9 Roll camera clockwise.

While replaying (F2), use these keys:

Key Description
Cursor left reverse play (press multiple times to increase speed)
Cursor right forward play (press multiple times to increase speed)
SPACE stop replay
P normal forward playback, toggles between slowmotion (1/10th) and normal (1x) playback speed.
1-0 select camera view (follow, side etc.); not functional yet for trackcam mode
C select camera mode (toggles between track cameras and car views)
S save replay (enter name; replay will be saved in data/replays as an .rpl file)
M Set mark in/out or clear marks
Shift-X export replay frames to data/dump/replay<framenumber>.tga. Be careful; you need a lot of diskspace!
Ctrl-1 to 0 select info page. Ctrl-0 turns it off.
` (the reversed quote beneath the tilde); toggles the console (v0.4.8+).
ESC back to the menu or game (unpause the game with P)
Alt-F4 quit the program
ENTER reselects last selected button (!)

And ofcourse the controller(s) controls throttle, braking and steering. Most wheels and joysticks (and combinations thereof) are supported through the control set files (in data/ctrlsets).


These controls are only available when using an ECoL8000 control loading computer (by FCS/CS).

Key Description
F1 Walk through the ECoL channel modes (disengage/normal force loop/test spring/test free/test fixed/test sine/normal pos itionloop/reset)
F9 ECoL explicit reset


When running Racer, you can specify some commandline parameters to influence its behavior.

Switch Description
-f <file>

Uses <file> as the main racer.ini settings file, instead of the default, racer.ini. Note that the racer.ini file is still used where settings are not explicitly defined in <file>; this enables you to tweak only certain settings in a separate file, and leave the rest as is (useful for debugging/testing AI etc). For example, if you want to quickly test AI runs, make a separate racer_aitest.ini that contains something like:


And then run 'racer.exe -f racer_aitest.ini' to skip texture/shader loading for very fast loads.


When the game works, you might want to start modifying things a bit. There is one main .ini file to play around with:


Audio notes

A few notes on audio.

Racer uses FMOD to do sound (which is available for Windows/Mac/Linux and other platforms). Normally, just use 16-bits, 22kHz as this should be good enough for the raw engine sounds. The sounds are played in 3D, so mono samples are used. You can change the 'rolloff_factor' if you think the cars are inaudible too quickly (default is 1, values from just above 0 to >>1 are possible). I recommend 0.1.

If you have trouble getting sound to work, try to manually set 'type' to something that your system supports; for Windows you can use 'dsound', 'winmm' or 'a3d'. For Linux, you can use 'esd', 'alsa', or 'osd'. Leave the type field empty to let the sound driver detect one for you (recommended).


Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated December 30, 2014 )