Home | Use console commands for some trickery. |
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Racer supports multiple forms of scripting, varying from simple (and unflexible) to a C++-like environment (without needing a C++ compiler) named Onyx. Console commands (the simplest form) can either be entered through the console (by pressing Shift-~), or are executed from a file directly (through .rex files located in data/scripts/), or by remote control through UDP (see racer.ini's console options and check out UDPSend.exe).
Console scripts in files
Scripts are stored in the data/scripts/ directory. You can use 'run <script>' to run one of the scripts in that directory, i.e. 'run hello' will run the data/scripts/hello.rex file.
Standard file scripts
A number of scripts are run automatically when certain events happen. These are:
Script | Description |
on_allfinished.rex | Called when all cars have finished (when the end results will be displayed) (v086+) |
onrace.rex | Called at the start of a race. |
oncar.rex | Called on each new car entering the field. |
onlap.rex | Called whenever a car crosses the finish line. (v053b3+) |
onreset.rex | Called when pressing Shift-R |
postreset.rex | Called after reset has taken place (for example to place the car somewhere on the track using 'reset car 200'). (v053b5+) |
onrestart.rex | Called just before the car gets reset (auto-return feature). (v053b3+) |
Here's the list of available script commands. They can be entered through the console . The future will probably see a lot of additions, since this allows live modifying of parameters. The console will pop up automatically when pressing Shift-~.
Command | Description |
abs on|off | Turn on/off ABS (anti-lock braking system) |
ai on|off | Turns AI on or off for player car |
ai learn on|off|save | Turn on/off AI learn mode (similar to Ctrl-F6). 'ai learn save' will save the last recorded lap (in data/tracks/<trackname>/ai/<carname>.ini). |
ai maxvel <value> or ai maxvel <from> <to> <fromVel> <toVel> | Sets the maximum velocity for the AI (in absolute meters per second). The first variations sets a value for the entire spline (track). Normally used to reset the max velocity limit, since setting it to 0 effectively means 'no limit'. The 2nd variation will define the max velocity for a range of splines only, where the velocity is interpolated linearly. Useful to create slow-down zones. Racer v0.9.0RC9+. |
ai reset | Reset AI velocities to 50 km/h. Useful when training (v0.8.33+) |
ai save | (v089+) Save the current AI line. This is not the learned line (see ai learn) but the currently stored AI replay line. Use this after using 'ai smooth' (for example) to save the modified AI line. |
ai scale <f> | Scale all AI velocities of the current car by <f>. Useful when training (v0.8.33+) |
ai smooth <n> | (v089+) Smooths the AI lines for <n> lines near start/finish. Often, your AI line will not match up at start/finish when you drive it. Rather, you'll be just a bit to the left or right of your original start/finish crossing. Also, your velocity doesn't match up precisely. Use this command to rectify that for the current player car's AI line. |
ai performance <f> | Sets AI performance for currently focused car to <f> (f=0..2 where 0=no speed, 2=200%) |
ai uoffset <f> | Sets AI lateral offset. Test option useful while creating tracks. |
analyse all | Same as calling analyse for all the options (v085+. |
analyse dampers | Gives an overview of the damper system. This to check the damper with actual values obtained from official sources. Gives a list of force vs. velocity (i.e. F @ 0.1 m/s = 1000N). |
analyse tires | Does a 5 second analysis (standard deviation) of the tire load (for tire stability/implicit integration). v087+ |
analyse wheels | Gives an analysis of the wheel & tire physics (v085+) |
anicmd <group> play <sequence> | Animation command to play the animations for the group (see TrackEd) of objects. |
anicmd <group> playloop <sequence> | Animation command to loop the animations for the group (see TrackEd) of objects. |
anicmd <group> reset | Resets the animation for the given group. |
anicmd <group> stop | Stops the animations for the given group. |
asl on|off | Turn on/off ASL (active speed limiter). This limits the velocity to that of what the AI would drive, effectively being a sort of 'Braking Help' function. |
atlas optimize | Future optimization for texture atlases. |
automatic | Switch on automatic gearbox (see also 'manual') |
brakebalance <f> | Set brakebalance live. Sets the factors of wheels 0 and 1 to <f>, and for wheels 2 and 3 to 1-<f>. Assumes the basic braking torque is the same on all 4 wheels. |
bump lap | Increase the lap counter by one. Only used internally for repeating exercises on portions of the track (for improved telemetry analysis readouts). |
camera <n> | Set car camera view to <n> (0..9). Similar to pressing 0..9 while driving. (v0.8.34+) |
car hide|show | Hide or show the current car |
cg x <value> | Sets the car's CG point. Also available are 'cg y' and 'cg z'. |
clear | Clear screen (just 1 frame; normally the simulation will keep on rendering) |
compile <file> | Compiles the given 'rsx'-script and outputs the compiled 'rcx'-file in the same folder, using the same name. |
console enable|disable | Enable/disable the console. Mostly used remotely. |
controls <set> | Switches to another control set file. This is one of the few commands that is persistent; it stores the selected set in racer.ini's ini.controls setting for future runs. |
crash | Crashes (provokes a 0-pointer exception). Debugging use only. (v0.8.32+) |
doc scriptfuncs | (v0.8.9+) Generates a ile containing a description of all available rsx-script functions (scriptfuncs.txt in the local racer folder). |
doc scripttypes | (v089+) Generates a file containing a description of all available rsx-script types (scripttypes.txt in the local racer folder). |
debug <n> [<sub>] or debug <path> | Select debugging info screen (n=0..9, 0=none). 1=tire forces, 2=timing, 3=surface, 4=controls, 5=network, 6=profiling, 7=suspension, 8=driveline/AI, 9=telemetry. Some pages have subpages, so you can also specify a subpage, i.e. 'debug 1 1'. The default subpage is 0. If a path is specified, this displays a debugging info screen with all parameters & signals of this part of the system tree. (v0.8.36+). Note that Ctrl-1 upto Ctrl-9 also select these screens, and Ctrl-I rolls through the pages, including the System variant. An example is 'debug car0.aero'. |
debug trigger | Triggers internal flag. Internal use only. |
distort alpha <f> | Set alpha value (0..1) of the control points. 0=transparent, 1=opaque. |
distort edit [off] | Start distortion edit mode. If 'off' is added, editing is turned off. |
distort gamma | Set distortion gamma factor (normally around 2.0). This is needed to correct for the projector's gamma. (v0.8.39+) |
distort generate | Generate distortion image from current control points configuration (projection distortion) |
distort leftedge <f>, distrort rightedge <f> | Set edgeblend limits, normalized to the screen width (0..1). For example, 0.1 in a 1024x768 resolution means the edge blend starts at 0.1*1024 = 102 pixels. (v0.8.39+) |
distort reset | Reset control points to their default position |
distort save | Save distortion state (in racer.ini) |
distort testpattern <n> | Select test pattern; 0=passthrough (actual simulator content), 1=grid, 2=crosses (v0.8.39+) |
echo <string> | Prints a string on the console. No variables are possible yet, just the string is printed literally. |
edit script <file> | Opens the given RSX-file in the default text editor. (v089+) |
edit script track <file> | The same as “edit script <file>” but the path is relative to current track directory. |
edit tod | Time of day editor. Edits the files in data/renderer/tod (.crv files for Curved really). |
editor orientation <x> <y> <z> | Direct setting of the editor camera's orientation. |
editor position <x> <y> <z> | Direct settings of the editor camera (Ctrl-Shift-E to toggle editor mode). |
entity print [15-2-2013] | Prints info on archetypes and entities to the terminal. |
envmap render | If envmap.live_track.render_once=1, this will trigger a re-render of the environment map. Useful when generating screenshots and this option is on to still get an accurate reflection. (v0.8.11+) |
exit | Simulates the ESC (Escape) key. |
exposure <v> | Camera exposure (make sure that renderer.auto_exposure.enable=0 when trying to set this manually). Try values between 0.3 and 10. |
exposurefactor <v> | Sets the camera exposure factor. This is a factor on top of exposure. With auto_exposure turned on, exposure tries to get a visible image. However, at night you may want to reduce exposure since it just looks darker. This factor can then be used on top of calculated exposure. (v0.8.19+) |
fade in|out | Fade in or out the downstream fade image. Normally 'fade in' will fade to black, and 'fade out' fades to the game image. Note that fading is also controlled by some game events, like the start of a race, or end of a race, so this only works intermittently when nothing else is touching the downstream fader. (v0.9.0RC8+) |
ff damping <x> | Set damping amount (0..10000) for all force feedback controllers. Not persistent, so mostly useful to tweak values before you set them in the controller setup screen. See the car physics reference for more information on these values (per car definitions). |
ff friction <x> | Set friction amount (0..10000) |
ff stickfriction <x> | Set strick friction amount (0..10000). This is the friction that applies when the car is driving slow (< 5 m/s). |
ff inertia <x> | Set inertia amount (0..10000). |
flag [!]<type> | Enable/disable a race flag for the current car. If prefixed with a '!', the flag is removed. Possible flags:
fov <x> | Set camera FOV (field of view) to <x>. Typical values are 30..80. |
fps center | Show the framerate in the center of the window (v0.9.0.RC9+) |
fps on|off | Turn FPS counter on or off |
fullscreen | Switch to fullscreen |
get <parameter> (or <system>) | Retrieve the value of a parameter. If you specify a system, that system is described in the console. v0.8.35+ |
graph [step] [delta] <min> <max> <variable> | Live telemetry of a certain variable. Use step to add a sample per physics step (otherwise the graphics framerate is used) and use delta to paint the derivative (!) of the signal (so a delta graph is mostly close to 0). You can choose between hardcoded variables (the old style, still useful), or the more generic interface to the System. In that case, something like 'graph step -1 1 car0.wheel0.slipratio' will use the system signal. In the future, most of the hardcoded variables will be overruled using system variables (they are far more flexible). Hardcoded signal names available:
graph clear | Clear all telemetry graphs (none visible after this). |
grip <v> | Set car tire grip level to <v>, a value that is 1.0 by default. 0 means no grip at all, 2 means twice as much grip etc. |
ibeam volume <n> | Sets the IBeam volume to <n>. Pro use only (v0.9.0RC9+) |
image | Displays an image (note that when the simulation is running, the image will be overdrawn by the next frame immediately unless you use wait for example). |
info <text> | Shows the text for a while onscreen (v0.5.5+) |
ini [inifile] path value | Sets a value in an ini file. If no .ini file
is specified, racer.ini is implicitly used. For example,'ini
assist.abs 1' turns on ABS in racer.ini. Note this only changes the value
in the ini file; the actual time that the value becomes active is dependent
on what value was set. |
kinematic 0|1 | Sets the local car to be controlled kinematically or not (v0.9.0RC9+). Currently, setting a car to kinematic means it will not receive AI control. It is not yet possible to give control inputs in other ways. The 'kinematic' feature is mainly used to keep cars from driving off when there are multiple AI cars (under Onyx control). |
lidar movex <v>, lidar movey <v>, lidar movez <v> | Move Lidar data around. This is used to match the Lidar point cloud with the 3D track model. v0.8.36+. |
lidar export | Saves the RLD data in a simple ASCII format to temp/track.pts (v0.9.0RC8+) |
lights on|off | Turn the current car's lights on/off (v0.8.3+) |
log export darab <filename> | Exports current log data to WinDARAB format. v0.8.26+ |
manual | Switch to manual gearbox (unless car is defined as automatic!) |
manual triggerlights | Switches to manual race startlights triggering. The startlights sequence won't automatically start at the race begin, but has to be triggered with a 'trigger lights' command. (v090RC6+) |
motionblur method <n> | Set motion blur method (0..4). Method 4 is recommended, if you have the graphics hardware to match (uses FBO's) |
motionblur blur_alpha <f> | Set motion blur mixing amount (0..1). 0 means no mix, 1 means full mix. |
mpost <id> <state> | Sets the state of a single race marshal post (v0.9.0RC9+). <id> is the ID number of the post (normally starting at 0) and <state> can be 0 for none, 1 for yellow etc. For more detailed information on the exact states, check the marshal posts page. Note that <id> is not the same as the index of the post; you can give each marshal post a separate id, to match with the real life numbering scheme. Currently, id's must be numerical though. |
mposts <state> | Sets all marshal post states to the specified state. See the 'mpost' command above for details. |
mv <cmd> | Sends the command (<cmd>) through to all multiview slaves. |
movieplay <movie> <bgr> <scaleX> <scaleY> | Plays a movie fullscreen (waits until the movie is finished) (v053b3+).
The movie is played through a texture, the optional background image is
also displayed as a textured polygon. |
normals on|off | Display normals (see also 'triangles on/off') (v0.9.0RC9+) |
onyx event <parameters> | Sends a global Onyx event of type EVENT_CUSTOM (see data/scripts/onyx/include/panthera.oxh) with 'parameters' as the string argument. Can be used as a crude way to send simple events to all Onyx scripts, for example as a result of a triggerline crossing. |
onyx run <funcname> | Runs the specified function in all loaded Onyx scripts. Mostly used to test specific Onyx things by explicitly running a function. The function must typed as void funcname(){ ... } (ofcourse you can choose any function name you want). v0.9.0RC5+. |
onyx stop | Stops all running Onyx scripts (v0.9.0RC5+) |
optimize_dof <filename> | Utility function to optimize a .DOF file (3D model). This will load, optimize and save the .dof file to disk (!). Be careful to make a backup as this function writes a new .dof file. (v0.8.9+) |
pacenotes edit|exit | Enter ('edit') or end ('exit') pacenote edit mode. While editing, press L/R, 1-5 to select an image and Shift-S to set a start point end Shift-E to set an end point. Drive around to the spots of your choice. |
pacenotes save | Save the pacenotes (in data/tracks/<yourtrack>/pacenotes.ini) |
particles spawn <system> <x> <y> <z> | Spawn a bunch of particles (specified in data/renderer/particles.ini per system under partcles_per_spawn. v0.8.15+ |
pause | Toggle pause mode |
pause on|off | Set pause mode directly |
playwav <filename> | Loads and plays a file (.wav/.mp3 etc). Does not cleanup so it's a bit shaky (v0.8.15+). |
pmd on|off | USB support (internal) |
projection edit | Start edit mode for projection surface raytracing (high-end versions only). |
projection csv | Convert CSV grid file to projection map. Alpha feature in v0.9.0RC8+ |
race end <n> | Ends race, optionally in <n> seconds. |
racestats <n> | Set race statistics view: 0=none, 1=small standings at bottom, 2=time comparison at top left (often used), 3=big view, 4=session result, 5=ranking (drivers in position order), 6=front/rear car info. Some of these views are quite specific and not generally useful; view 2 is the view targeted at the internet public. (v086+) |
realtime <scale> | Scales realtime vs. simtime. Default is 1.0. Some problems may appear when stretching time, since some processes are based on time. |
reload ai | Reload AI parameters from racer.ini (v090RC11+) |
reload entity <n> | Reload entity with ID <n> (v090RC10+). |
reload globalviews | Reloads data/gui/globalviews.ini (v0.8.36+) |
reload particles | Reload particle settings for all particle systems (data/renderer/particles.ini) (v089+) |
reload pid | Reload car's AI PID parameters from racer.ini (ai.pid_accelerate and ai.pid_steering) (v0.8.34+) |
reload projectors | Reload virtual projector scene (only for use with projection surfaces; high-end) (v0.8.39+) |
reload scripts | Reloads all RSX scripts. (v089+) |
reload shaders | gpushaders | Reload all Racer shaders (track.shd/car.shd) an accompanying Cg (GPU) shaders (mostly for development of shaders). The 'reload gpushaders' variant only loads the GPU (Cg) shaders, so is quite a bit faster. (v089+) |
reload track | (v0.8.22+) Reloads the current track. |
remove scripts | Remove all RSX scripts (v089+) |
reset | Reset race (as if Shift-R was pressed) |
reset car [n] | Resets car to the last road position (as if Shift-F was pressed). Optional parameter is the distance along the track to reset to. |
reset movables | Resets all movable objects in a track to their default position. |
rewind | Check whether rewinding is possible. Rewinding is using a log file to get back a replay situation from some time or distance ago. v0.8.26+ |
rewind absolute <x> | Rewind to absolute distance. The distance is along the lap, so 0..lapLength (in meters). v0.8.27+ |
rewind time <x> | Rewind <x> seconds. v0.8.26+ |
rewind distance <x> | Rewind <x> meters. Time will not be recovered (to keep log file time growing monotonously, but you can continue at the old point). |
rpmwarnmatrix <led> <gear> <rpm> | An rpm warning matrix that can be used in views. Normally unused except by high-end racing teams where the RPM at which a certain shiftlight must trigger is set per gear and per led. Command is used to tweak the rpm warning matrix live. (dash.crv?) v0.8.32+. Normally unused for regular use, only used by the live Setuptool to tweak the RPM matrix live. The matrix is hardcoded to 10x10 in size. |
rpmwarnmatrix2 <led> <gear> <rpm> | As rpmwarnmatrix, only uses more readable gear numbering; 1=1st gear, 2=2nd gear etc. v0.8.32+ |
rscriptedit | v0.8.9+, this runs a script editor. This command may disappear and be replaced. |
run <script> | Runs a script (console command/QScript/Onyx). The console scripts (.rex) are located in data/scripts, Onyx scripts are in data/scripts/onyx. I.e. 'run test' will execute data/scripts/test.rex, 'run test.oxs' will execute data/scripts/onyx/test.oxs. |
run track <script> | Runs a a script, located in the track directory. Meant for local track-specific scripts. As an example, say your tracks has a bunch of cones and you want to reset their position everytime you cross start/finish. You can make a triggerline near start/finish where you run the command 'run track reset_movables.oxs' (Onyx). That scripts contains a ResetMovables() command. Every time you cross the triggerline, this script will be run and the cones will be reset. |
safety <n> | Sets a safety mask which is added to the controller's safety functionality. Used to test safety responses. An alternative is to use 'safety bad' but with this command you can pinpoint different safety bits if needed. Safety changes are logged in QLOG. |
safety bad | Force all cars to have a problem. Used in testing safety features. |
sampleplay <file> | Plays a sample. Test only. |
scene evaluate | explanation | lapstart | Several cutscenes, unusable for the internet version. |
screenshot | Takes a screenshot; a file will be created in data/dump/ with the name screenshot<n>.tga. Like pressing F12. (v0.9.0RC9+) |
set <path> <value> | Set a parameter from the System tree (v0.8.35+). See also the System documentation. |
setsharedfloat <name> <value> | Sets the value of an Onyx shared variable. These variables are synced over the network. See also the tutorial of shared variables in Onyx. |
shiftup | shiftdown | Shift up or down immediately. Skips the clutching phases so it's not that sweet. (v0.8.32+) |
slowzone <post_nextslow> <post_slow_start> <post_slow_end> | Creates a sequence (in the Marshal Posts) of a NEXT-SLOW and then a SLOW zone. The posts should be increasing numbers, being the ID's of the marshal posts that define the boundaries (the start of the NEXT-SLOW zone, then the SLOW zone and SLOW zone end). v0.9.0RC9+. Alpha functionality. |
sound reverb <n> | Select a reverb preset for all sounds. The presets are as follows:
This command is useful for example in trigger line commands to set echoing when entering a tunnel, and turning it off when you leave it. |
speed <v> | Sets the focus car's speed directly to <v> m/s. Modifies the car's gear, rpm, wheel spin velocities, linear velocity. Also sets angular velocity to 0. (v0.9.0RC9+). Does not work for external physics solutions. |
stall | Stalls the local car (v0.9.0RC9+) |
sunny <x> | Set 'sunny' amount live (v0.8.23+). To test the setting, normally set in a track's special.ini file. Values 0..1 (0=completely overcast, 1=sunny). Default is 1 (sunny). |
system export | Exports a HTML version of the parameter and signal hierarchy (v0.8.35+). See also the System documentation. |
tc on|off | Traction control enable/disable |
terminal | Opens a console window which displays hardcore debug information while Racer runs. This is the same output that normally goes to the dev.udp_out:racer.ini but that requires a udpterm running on either the local or a network PC. See also the Development documentation for other neat tricks when developing cars & tracks. (v0.8.36+) |
test audio | Test option; starts a helicopter sounds, going through audio channels. Useful in 5.1 audio tests for example (set audio.speakermode appropriately). |
time <HHMM> | Set time of day (ie time 0900). This modifies some sun properties. |
track load <name> | Load an entirely different track. Probably use 'reset' after this to make sure the cars are at useful spots. (v0.8.13+) |
trackmap save | Saves the live rendered environment map at the next renderer (in data/dump/track_*.tga). Only works if live environment mapping is enabled (envmap.live_track=1) |
triangles on|off | Turn renderer triangle painting on/off (see also 'wireframe') |
trigger lights | Start the startlights sequence. See also manual triggerlights above. (v090RC6+) |
safety bad | Indicates to Racer that safety is somehow compromised externally. Will let all cars run on AI. Used in conjunction with UPS-es for example in professional environments. |
scale car <n> | Scales the player car (entirely). This means models, wheels, mass etc. Whacky option. |
spline move <y> | Moves the current spline (under wheel0) up or down the given offset (floating point) |
show car | Displays the currently selected car for the player (from racer.ini) |
show track | Displays the currently selected track to drive on (from racer.ini) |
show|hide aero | Show/hide aerodynamics. Currently only shows the drafting areas in front and rear of cars (065+) |
show|hide ailines | Show/hide AI lines (v0.8.33+) |
show|hide carbbox | Shows/hides the car's bounding box/model (v0.8.3+) |
show|hide carpoints | Shows/hides carpoints (as if racer.ini's gfx.show_car_points is modified live). Car points show suspension points, roll center, CG etc. |
show|hide farringdonwheel | Show/hide test screen for Farringdon wheel. (high-end only) |
show|hide lidar [vertices|triangles|aabb] | Shows/hides Lidar data. Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is a technique to scan tracks used in high-end surroundings such as Formula 1. Effectively these consist of a big soup of points which need severe preprocessing before being usable in a real-time environment. Some companies may use this to build track 3D models much in the same way as you'd use a photograph (a 2D image) to build a 3D model. See also 'lidar movex' etc. above (v0.8.36+). The 'vertices', 'triangles' and 'aabb' variants will show separate aspects of the Lidar collection. The 'triangles' option is probably the most interesting one. Lidar data normally is not available in the public domain. |
show|hide motion | Show/hide a readout for motion platform I/O. High-end only. |
show|hide mposts | Shows marshal posts. The active posts (i.e. do 'mpost 0 1' first) will get their splines drawn, so you can check for overlap (or rather gaps) between marshal post spline ranges. (v0.9.0RC9+) |
show|hide names | Shows/hides car names floating above cars. The focus car never has its name displayed, so you need to have at least 2 cars to see the effect. (v0.7.4+). |
show|hide splines | Show/hide the road splines. Same as toggling racer.ini's gfx.show_spline_tris. (v0.7.3+) |
show|hide timelines | Show/hide the timelines (start/finish and other timelines defined in TrackEd) (v0.8.35+) |
show|hide traffic | Show/hide traffic grid lines. (v0.8.33+) |
spline save | Saves the (modified) splines in spline.ini. Make a backup of data/tracks/<thetrack>/spline.ini before doing this. |
spline squeeze <rc> | Squeeze spline. This softens splines bumps a bit. 'rc' is the maximum deviation for each Y change in the spline (vertical elevation changes). The 'rc' is defined as a ratio: distance to next spline point divided by Y change (so more Y change is allowed for points that are far apart). It's specified as a percentage; so spline squeeze 5 means that the height may change by only 5% compared to the longitudinal/lateral distance. This command attempts to be a tool to smooth out tracks with harsh spline changes. Currently this command isn't too useful (v053b31). |
start engine | stop engine | Starts the engine if stalled, 2nd command stops the engine |
start slaves | stop slaves | Start all slave computers (slaves.slave<x>), stop all slaves |
terminal | Show a terminal window (for hardcore debugging texts only). See Development. |
traffic start <car> | Makes the car start driving (if stopped) |
traffic stop <car> | Stops the traffic car (v0.8.33+) |
traffic warp <car> <waypoint> | Warps a traffic car (index 0..numberOfTrafficCars) to waypoint number <waypoint> (v0.8.33+) |
version | Displays the Racer version and compilation date/time (v0.9.0 RC4+) |
video on|off | Experimental commands for video grabbing (v0.8.40+) |
volume <n> | Set master volume (n=0..255) |
vsync <n> | Set vertical sync count; 0=off, 1=monitor refresh rate, 2=half monitor refresh rate, 3=1/3rd monitor rate etc. (v0.9.0RC6+) |
wait <n> | Waits <n> milliseconds |
whiteout <f> | Set user whiteout value. This fades in white on top of the image. Can be used in scripts to add custom whiteout effects (such as flashes). Is added to the whiteout effect of the 'thunder' command for example. v090RC9+ |
wireframe on|off | Turn renderer wireframes on/off (see also 'triangles') |
wireframephys on|off | Turn on/off collision wireframes painting (Newton's internal collision mesh). |
world print | Prints out the scene graph nodes to the terminal (use the terminal console command). |
Environmental commands:
Command | Description |
clouds <v> | Set cloud amount (0..1). 1 takes the full cloud sky texture, 0 is a clear sky. (v074+) |
extinctionfactor <v> | Set atmosphere extinction factor. Normally 1, but use values >1 to increase atmosphere influence (more 'fog') (v0.8.3+) |
fast_time <v> | Simulates fast movement of the day time (for development purposes). Modifies sun properties to simulate the 24 hour day cycle, only very fast. Racer versions below v0.7.2 used 'fast_time on' and 'fast_time off' but this has been modified with a speedup factor. Use fast_time 600 for example as a good start. |
fog density <v> | Set fog exponential density (values around 0.01-0.05 are realistic). Needs exponential fog mode in track to work. (v0.7.2) Overruled by atmospheric settings (see 'fog rayleigh' and 'fog mie') so it won't work with Cg shaders (those have much better fog than the regular OpenGL fog model). |
fog mie <v> | Set fog Mie scattering coefficient. Normally around 0.0010 (Cg sky shaders only, v072+). |
fog rayleigh <v> | Set fog Rayleigh scattering coefficient. Normally around 0.0020 (Cg sky shaders only, v072+). |
rain <n> | Set rain intensity from 0 to 1 (v0.5.3b8+) |
snow <n> | Set snow intensity from 0 to 1 |
sundirx <x> | Set sun X coordinate. No Y/Z equivalents currently exist. |
sun ambient <x> | Set sun (atmosphere) ambient color to <x>. Currently only 1 value is used for R, G and B (v087+) |
sun diffuse <x> | Set sun (atmosphere) diffuse color (the 'sun' color). Currently only 1 value. (v087+) |
sun intensity <v> | Set sun intensity. A good start value will be around 20. Notice this only works with Cg shaded tracks that use the Racer Cg shaders in data/renderer/shaders. For more info on Cg shaders, go here. |
thunder <v> | Set thunder intensity from 0..1 (v0.8.9+) |
Commands that modify a car's physics settings (only while ingame, you need to save these to car.ini for them to become persistent). Note that these commands may disappear; use the 'system' instead to tweak internals live (the System will be an important future tool, also for connecting to the outside world with custom interfaces).
Command | Description |
diffcoastratio <diff> <ratio> | Sets coast ratio for LSD diffs |
difflockcoeff <diff> <coeff> | Set differential locking coefficient for differential # <diff> |
diffpowerratio <diff> <ratio> | Sets power ratio for LSD differentials |
diffpreloadtorque <diff> <preload> | Set preload torque for diff # <diff> |
rollcenter y <v> | Sets roll center height for all wheels/suspensions. Only useful for rough tests. (v0.8.34+) |
Some extra commands normally not used on locally running sessions (only used for remote control):
Command | Description |
control race | Start a race |
control exit | Exit the race |
ping | Pings back (network only) with 'ping'. Doesn't show 'ping' on the graphical console window, just the console's network link (if defined). |
Internal development commands:
Command | Description |
calibrate pmda0-pmda3 | This command is not really useful anymore; rather change calibration directly in the respective data/controls/<name>.ini file. Calibrates PMD channel. Stress the channel a couple of times through its minimum and maximum values, the issue 'calibrate save'. Only 1 PMD is currently supported. |
calibrate save | This command is not really useful anymore; rather change calibration directly in the respective data/controls/<name>.ini file. Save calibration results in racer.ini and stop calibrating. |
trigger lights | Used in multiplayer; normally not issued by hand. |
Commands only available in proprietary parts are here.
(last updated July 26, 2015 )