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Time of Day editor


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Racer v0.8.16 introduced a TOD editor (time-of-day) which can be used to tweak sun/sky conditions throughout the day. The default before that were hardcoded values, and as always, art is best left to artists.

Files are now stored in data/renderer/tod that define all the variations for time of day, such as exposure.crv.

Note that editing TOD curves is a complex job - it's quite impossible to get it right unless you know what each parameter is doing. But hopefully this will also stimulate creativity.

Below is an example shot of the editor.


The Editor

The editor can be started by entering the 'edit tod' console command. You will be shown an editable graph of one curve. A short documentation line is on the top, for the most often used shortcuts.


Order of changing things

The order in which you attempt to modify TOD matters; you can quickly get lost in all the parameters. I'd suggest keeping this order: diffuse R/G/B (in kilolux), ambient RGB, exposure, sun intensity.

Things to note:



Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated November 13, 2012 )