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Glowing brake discs


Home Effect fun with brake discs heating up, using Cg shaders.

Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists


This document describes how to add glowing brakediscs to your car in Racer (possible since v0.6.2, 8-8-08). It uses a Cg fragment shader so your graphics card must support this (most modern cards do).


Racer keeps track of the temperature of the brake disc in each wheel. Braking increases heat stored in the disc, and letting go of the brakes, plus car & spin velocity make it cooler again. The variables in car.ini involved are:

The temperature is passed to the rendering system as the variable 'heat', which can be used in your Cg fragment shader. This 'heat' parameter is normalized to a value between 0 and 1, where heat=currentTemp/brakeMaxTemp.

Note that currently (v0.8.3) the brake temperature is NOT used in the physics engine, and so has no influence on driving behavior yet.


Take the following steps to get glowing brake discs:


Note that this simple example skips lighting that you normally have when using the fixed OpenGL pipeline. However, if you start out with dark brake discs it might be fine as it is (they're always hidden behind the wheel anyway).


Here is the disc_heat.cg shader file:

struct FragIn
       float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;
struct FragOut
         float4 col : COLOR;
FragOut main
         FragIn fin,
         uniform sampler2D tex0 : TEXUNIT0,
         uniform float heat
  FragOut fout;
  float4 red=float4(1.0,0.25,0.1,1); 
  float4 cColor=tex2D(tex0,fin.tc0);

 return fout;


Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated November 13, 2012 )