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Components - base types


Home Base component.

Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists


This page documents the properties available for basic components that can be used when creating a game. Next to built-in components, you can also create your own in the Onyx scripting language.

Component properties are defined in a definition.ini file. An example of a group component follows:

; A floating buoy
comment=Floating buoy.

Camera components

The camera component is used to define a camera position and target. The properties:

Parameter Description
fov Vertical field-of-view (in degrees)


Font components

The font component loads a font for use in GUI components. Here are the properties available in

Parameter Description
type Must be set to 'font'.
file The font name. Will load the <file>.dtf/.tga texture font.

Track components (v0.9.0RC9+)

The track component is a crossover component between the game engine (Panthera) and Racer. It loads an entire track, including splines, grid positions etc.

Parameter Description
type Must be set to 'font'.
track Defines the name of the track. This will be loaded from data/tracks/<track>.


Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated July 1, 2014 )