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Home Use the Modeler to view models, change material attributes, and export to Racer's native DOF file format.

Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists



The Modeler is used to (pre)view and enhance models you've created. Specifically the Modeler is used to:

Modeler does NOT let you modify the mesh itself. You can use 3D Studio Max, ZModeler (which has a Racer DOF import/export facility) or any other modeler for that.


Key Description
F Toggle flashing of the current material
PageUp/PageDown select material
M Switch mode (material/model)
I Import DOF
E Export DOF
Shift-Q Quit program
L Import VRML (since v0.5.3 beta 2.2)
W Toggle wireframe
N Toggle normals
T Toggle tangents display (bumpmapping use). From v0.8.24 on.


Here's a quick review of the actions in Modeler:


Dolphinity Organiser - free planning, project management and organizing software for all your action lists

(last updated December 30, 2014 )