Module: qcd.cpp

class QCD

constructorQCD(cstring name,int mode)
IsOpenbool IsOpen()

Returns TRUE if CD could be openend
Note on default IRIX6.5.3f systems, write permission is off for CD's
so only root can open CD's.
For a workaround, enter "/dev/scis/sc0d4l0 0666 root sys" into /etc/ioperms
and run ioconfig -f /hw (as root). This sets write permissions for all.
(see knowledgebase)

GetStatusbool GetStatus(CDSTATUS *status)

Private function to get info on CDROM

GetFirstTrackint GetFirstTrack()

Returns 0 for error
Returns first legal track number

GetLastTrackint GetLastTrack()

Returns 0 for error
Returns last legal track number

GetStateint GetState()

Returns state of CD (enum State)

GetStateNamecstring GetStateName(int state)
Playbool Play(int track,bool pause)

Starts playing of track.
If 'pause'==TRUE, then the CD is put at the start of the track
and won't start playing until you call TogglePause()
Returns TRUE if succesful

Ejectbool Eject()

Ejects the drive

Stopbool Stop()

Stop playing (if at all)

 * QCD - CD support
 * 01-09-1999: Created!
 * NOTES: 
 * - Based on libcdaudio (link with -lcdaudio -lmediad -lds)
 * (C) MarketGraph/RvG

#include <qlib/cd.h>
#include <qlib/debug.h>

QCD::QCD(cstring name,int mode)
  cstring rm;
  { case READ:      rm="r"; break;
    case WRITE:     rm="w"; break;
    case READWRITE: rm="rw"; break;
    default:        rm="r"; break;
qdbg("QCD ctor: cdp=%p\n",cdp);
qdbg("qcd dtor\n");
  { if(!CDclose(cdp))
    { qwarn("QCD: CDclose() failed");

bool QCD::IsOpen()
// Returns TRUE if CD could be openend
// Note on default IRIX6.5.3f systems, write permission is off for CD's
// so only root can open CD's.
// For a workaround, enter "/dev/scis/sc0d4l0 0666 root sys" into /etc/ioperms
// and run ioconfig -f /hw (as root). This sets write permissions for all.
// (see knowledgebase)
  if(cdp)return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

bool QCD::GetStatus(CDSTATUS *status)
// Private function to get info on CDROM
  if(!cdp)return FALSE;
  { // Error
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

int QCD::GetFirstTrack()
// Returns 0 for error
// Returns first legal track number
  if(!cdp)return 0;
  CDSTATUS status;
    return status.first;
  return 0;
int QCD::GetLastTrack()
// Returns 0 for error
// Returns last legal track number
  if(!cdp)return 0;
  CDSTATUS status;
    return status.last;
  return 0;

int QCD::GetState()
// Returns state of CD (enum State)
  if(!cdp)return 0;
  CDSTATUS status;
    return status.state;
  return 0;
cstring QCD::GetStateName(int state)
  { case READY:   return "ready";
    case NODISC:  return "nodisc";
    case CDROM:   return "cdrom";
    case ERROR:   return "error";
    case PLAYING: return "playing";
    case PAUSED:  return "paused";
    case STILL:   return "still";
    default:      return "cdUnkownState";

bool QCD::Play(int track,bool pause)
// Starts playing of track.
// If 'pause'==TRUE, then the CD is put at the start of the track
// and won't start playing until you call TogglePause()
// Returns TRUE if succesful
  if(!cdp)return FALSE;
  if(CDplay(cdp,track,!pause))		// Mind the !
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

bool QCD::Eject()
// Ejects the drive
  if(!cdp)return FALSE;
  if(CDeject(cdp))return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

bool QCD::Stop()
// Stop playing (if at all)
  if(!cdp)return FALSE;
  if(CDstop(cdp))return TRUE;
  return FALSE;